The Real Reason People Moved Last Year:

 According to the U.S. Census Bureau, the No. 1 reason 36 million people (who were one year and older) moved from 2012 to 2013 was because of the desire for a new home. 
Forty-eight percent of those who moved last year cited housing as the main reason that contributed to their decision to move, followed by 30.3 percent who cited family; 19.4 percent who said employment; and 2.3 percent who said “other.” 
"Picking one reason can be difficult as moves are often motivated by many different, and oftentimes competing, factors," says David Ihrke, a demographer for the Census Bureau and the report’s author.  "For instance, if one's primary reason for moving is to be closer to work or having an easier commute, they may have to sacrifice other preferences. This could include forgoing cheaper housing options or settling for a different neighborhood. If they mainly want cheaper housing, they may have to deal with a longer commute."
The survey also found gender differences among moving motivations. For example, males tended to cite job-related reasons more so than females as a reason for moving. Source: “No. 1 reason people move,” HousingWire (June 5, 2014)