Why Buy a Home?

The past few years of rocky real estate markets has left some people wondering, why buy a home? If you find that thought running through your mind consider these things.

A recent survey commissioned by the National Association of Home Builders found that 72 percent of its respondents opposed any effort to get rid of the homeowners' mortgage interest deduction. That's despite the fact that doing so could help ease the nation's budget deficit.
Gil Gross host of Real Estate Today Radio reported that, "The survey cut across partisan lines, and even across homeowner status. 76 percent of Republicans and 64 percent of Democrats oppose eliminating the deduction, as do 75 percent of owners and even 55 percent of renters. They all recognize the importance of homeownership to the nation's economy."
But why when you hear the horror stories of markets crashing, housing underwater and homeowners facing foreclosure, would you want to buy a home?
The first reason, we just addressed. When you buy a home there are tax advantages. Effectively, homeownership provides an excellent tax shelter. But there are more reasons to trade your rent payment for a mortgage. Buying a home for this tax advantage isn't how you should look at it. Rather, think of it this way. You need a place to live. Receiving a tax advantage for the place that you choose to live in, is a nice bonus.
When carefully used, a home equity loan (line of credit that allows you to borrow against your home) can be a better way to carry credit. That's because home equity lines can have lower interest rates and are also deductible whereas typical credit card interest is not.
Owning your own home gives you more freedom and the opportunity to create a living environment exactly how you want it. There's no consulting with landlords to see if you can do something to the home or who will pay for the change. Of course, that means when you buy a home you should consider what additional changes you plan to make, so that you can appropriately budget. Also, keep in mind that with homeownership come unexpected expenses for repairs and maintenance. While that may sound like a reason not to buy, it shouldn't be. Think about owning a car. There are maintenance issues and expenses but most people still like to own their own vehicle.
Homeownership provides a sense of stability and security. Instead of wondering when the landlord might decide to sell the home, you are in control of that decision. Additionally, homeownership provides immeasurable values of belonging to a social community. Also, as a homeowner, you'll have a greater influence on community affairs. Renters, being usually more transient, have less influence on policymakers.
What it comes down to is how long you plan on staying in a particular home and area and what you can afford. Owning your home weds you to a property which some people feel limits them. However, many others see a home as their life and the legacy they'll leave behind... a place where they raise children, enjoy company, experience life's ups and downs, and eventually pass on their home to loved ones.