"Judge a man by his questions rather than by his answers."

François-Marie Arouet (1694–1778), better known by his pen name Voltaire, embodied the French Enlightenment. He was known for his wit, philosophical outlook, and defense of civil liberties, including freedom of religion. After being imprisoned in the Bastille from 1917-1918 for lampooning the Duc d'Orléans, he adopted the name Voltaire which is an anagram of Arovet Li, the Latinized spelling of his last name. The name also echoes the syllables of a familial chateau, Airvault. It is also possible that the name was intended to connote speed and daring - volt being a French fencing term meaning to make a sudden dexterous movement to avoid a thrust, from which comes words such as volte-face.......
I find it curious that in many cases, we need to look to the past, to understand our future. So many politicians don't ask questions at all, they can only make statments. Even if they do ask questions.... they will not listen to our answers. "Food for thought"